Hand Carved Boxes, Bowls, & Baskets

Gourds are vegetables related to pumpkins and squash, and they grow in a variety of shapes and sizes. After harvesting , peeling and sun-drying the gourds, the artist draws the design with a pencil. A skillful carver then carefully etches the fine lines with a simple hand chisel. Using a technique called pyrography, fire adds the rich shades of browns and blacks. Finally the outside is waxed and polished, presenting you with a one-of-a-kind piece to treasure for generations!
In Peru, storytelling through gourd carving has a long history. Archeologists found a gourd depicting deities over 4,000 years old. Today, in the tiny Andean village of Cochas almost everyone is a gourd artist, and fine gourd carving has been practiced for generations. Besides decorative purposes, gourds in Peru also serve as functional vessels for storing spices or serving food or chicha, a traditional corn beer.